[美國直購 ShopUSA] Belkin 適配器 F7D4515 ScreenCast AV 4  AV-to-HDTV HDMI Adapter $8763
[美國直購 ShopUSA] Belkin 適配器 F7D4515 ScreenCast AV 4 AV-to-HDTV HDMI Adapter $8763。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低比價網的首頁

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20130709bj_ Belkin F7D4515



Product Features
Store AV equipment up to 100 feet away even in another room.
Enjoy full-HD 1080 pixel resolution, 3D video, and up to 7.1 channels of surround sound.
The IR Blaster gives you total device control. Just point your remote at the TV, and ScreenCast does the rest.
Ideal for wall-mounted HDTVs.
Easy setup. Connect your AV devices to the transmitter and hide them away.

Product Information
Technical Details
Brand Name Belkin
Item Weight 7.8 ounces
Product Dimensions 1.3 x 5.1 x 6.8 inches
Item model number F7D4516

Technical Details
Brand Name: Belkin
Model: F7D4516
Weight: 3.70 pounds

Product Description
From the Manufacturer
The Belkin ScreenCast AV 4 lets you wirelessly connect up to four AV devices to your HDTV without cluttering your entertainment space with cables. Connect Blu-ray players, game consoles, DVRs, and any other HDMI-enabled device to the ScreenCast AV 4 using an HDMI cable and you're ready to go. You can even store your devices in a separate room from your TV and still remain connected. The ScreenCast AV 4 uses Wi-Fi to transmit audio and video signals from your AV devices to your TV, and has 5 GHz wireless technology to ensure high-fidelity, interference-free transmission. It also supports 5.1-channel surround sound so you get the most out of your movies and music. Compatible with 2D and 3D video resolutions up to 1080p, this adapter is an ideal accessory for wall-mounted TVs.

Enjoy wireless content from up to four AV devices on your television. View larger.

5 Ghz technology transmits an interference-free signal from your AV devices. View larger.
Access Up to Four Entertainment Devices Wirelessly

The Belkin ScreenCast AV 4 adapter consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter can connect up to four HDMI-enabled media devices including Blu-ray players and game consoles. Using Wi-Fi, the transmitter broadcasts audio and visual signals from the device to which it is attached. These signals are then received by the receiver, which relays the audio and video to your TV via a second HDMI cable. It functions just like a direct connection, but eliminates the eyesore of wire and cable clutter.

Expansive Wi-Fi Range for Added Flexibility

The transmitter has a line-of-sight range of up to 100 feet*, and can also go through walls and other solid objects over shorter distances. This gives you flexibility when choosing a place for your AV devices. With the ScreenCast, you can position your devices away from your TV and out of sight, or even in another room.

5 GHz for Exceptional Audio and Video Quality

The ScreenCast has been equipped with 5 GHz in order to ensure superior audio and video quality. By using a 5 GHz frequency band, the adapter can avoid interference from the 2.4 GHz frequency used by most home routers. 5 GHz also delivers a more powerful, reliable signal than other Wi-Fi frequencies, and offers better penetration of walls and other solid surfaces. This ensures that your audio and video always reach your TV in crisp, pristine quality.

Mountable Design with IR Blaster

The ScreenCast features a versatile, easy-to-install design. The receiver can be positioned on a tabletop or mounted on a wall (mounting hardware included), making it an ideal complement for wall-mounted TVs. It also comes with an easy-to-use infrared blaster, which offers remote control of your AV device.

Broad Resolution Compatibility and 3D Support

The adapter is compatible with a wide range of video resolutions. It can support 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p 60 Hz, as well as display standards like VGA, XGA, and SXGA. It can also transmit 3D signals, allowing you to enjoy 3D Blu-ray and games without any loss of quality. The adapter supports 5.1-channel surround sound**.

Product and Warranty Information

The Belkin Screencast AV 4 transmitter and receiver are backed by a two-year limited warranty.

What's in the Box

ScreenCast AV 4 transmitter, ScreenCast AV 4 receiver, remote control, IR Blaster cable, two power adapters, one 3-foot high-speed HDMI cable, mounting hardware, quick install guide, and CD user's manual.

* Every home is different and ranges are estimates. Actual range will depend on the composition of barriers and other factors.



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